2016 - The Year of the Shark

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14 Jul 2016, John B.

diving with sharks, shark diving

We are not sure if it is just our imagination, but it looks like 2016 is turning into a cracking year for sharks.

Here are three good examples:

Egypt - Always good for sharks, but it seems particularly good this year, especially the 'Simply the Best' itinerary. Maybe it's because there are less divers about, we can only guess. We are hearing feedback such as "saw hammerheads on every dive at Daedalus" and "great to get so close to so many Oceanic Whitetips" from those on our Red Sea Liveaboard trips.

South Africa - If you want some great shark action, what could be better than the shark hotspots of South Africa and Mozambique? Although there's always plenty to see (Hammerheads, Tigers, Blacktips, Bulls, etc), now is the time that the Ragged Tooth Sharks take up residence on Aliwal Shoals. A shark to impress your non-diving friends, as with their mouth full of big teeth, they look far scarier than they actually are. They usually stay until at least the end of November, so now's the time to be planning your visit.

Maldives - We are also getting some reports of a very interesting night dive from guests who have recently returned from Maldives Liveaboards. Many of them have greatly enjoyed doing a night dive with Nurse Sharks. Although one of the most docile of sharks, it turns into a very exhilarating experience when you get 40 to 50 swarming all around you! Just hang onto your gear and prepare for the odd nudge.

To find out more, please call our friendly team on 01353 659999 or send us an email