Dive the best wrecks the Red Sea has to offer on this dedicated wreck focused itinerary.
- Wreck graveyard of Abu Nuhas
- Brother Island’s Aida II and the Salem Express
- Underwater museum of the Thistlegorm

Areas visited on this liveaboard include:
Abu Nuhas
Also known as the ‘Wreck Graveyard’, this reef is near the Gulf of Suez shipping route, and as a result an abundance of ship wrecks can be found here. On the north side are four wrecks laying on a sandy seafloor at the bottom of a steep sloping reef layered with table corals. Wrecks here include the Ghiannus D, Carnatic, Tile, & Lentil Wrecks. On the south side is a safe anchorage for liveaboards and two ergs, known as Yellow Fish Reef.
Brothers Islands & the Salem Express
Situated on Big Brother island, the Aida II, an Egyptian supply vessel, and the Numidia, a cargo ship, lie on the western side of the reef. Both are covered in a rich growth of soft and hard corals and covered in glass fish. The Salem Express is an impressive 100 m passenger ferry that sunk in 1991, to the east of Safaga. It rests at a relatively shallow 12-30 m with most of the wreck still intact.
SS Thistlegorm
Arguably the most famous wreck in the world, let alone Egypt, this WWII cargo vessel was sunk is 1941 and rediscovered by Jacques Cousteau in 1955. The wreck is home to trucks, armoured vehicles, motorcycles, wellington boots, rifles, wings, engine exhaust rings and steam locomotives to name a few. This can only be described as breathtaking, with something new to visit on each dive.
EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: It is a prerequisite that divers are qualified to a minimum of Advanced PADI Open Water, or equivalent, with a minimum of 50 logged dives. Deep Spec is recommended, but not compulsory.