The Azores emerge majestically from the Atlantic Ocean more or less between Lisbon and New York, and are characterised by lush, green volcanic cliffs and picturesque Mediterranean style buildings. The spectacular natural beauty of these emerald islands is matched underwater by endlessly fascinating labyrinthine tunnels, canyons and arches etched out from volcanic mountains by ancient lava streams. Diving here is breathtaking, and the outstanding topography is almost surpassed by the extraordinary pelagic marine life that can be encountered here.
Beaked whales, sperm whales, fin whales, humpbacks, false killer whales, spotted, bottlenose and Risso’s dolphins, turtles and more are readily spotted from the surface May to October. Whilst rare to see them when diving, it is not unknown to hear them. Meanwhile the underwater arches, tunnels, caves, cliffs and ship wrecks provide a haven for sub-tropical fish and stunning silhouette photography opportunities.
Journalist James Stewart recently visited the Azores with Regaldive and dived with our two partners on the ‘green island’ of Sao Miguel – Azores Sub and Nerus Dive Centre.