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20 Jan 2016, Nigel C.

wreck diving, wreck dives

Rust lovers. Metalheads. They go by many names, but they all have one thing in common: their enduring fascination with underwater history. Yes; rusting metal. But what an array of history can be found beneath the waves…

Malta – one of Regaldive’s most popular destinations - is only a three hour flight from the UK and boasts a huge number of wrecks to enjoy. Lying at 17m in part of Valetta harbour is HMS Maori: a British destroyer sunk in 1942. Another fascinating WWII wreck is the Bristol Blenheim Bomber, just a short boat ride off Zonqor Point. One of five known wrecks of its kind, the engine and wings are intact at 42m and make a memorable dive for experienced divers.  Another wreck for the more experienced diver is the Imperial Eagle; an ex ferry and the sister ship to Cousteau’s Calypso

An Egyptian liveaboard is the place to be if you want to visit the best wrecks the Red Sea can offer. Regaldive offer itineraries including the most famous Red Sea wrecks: the Dunraven at Ras Mohamed, the Rosalie Moller and, arguably the most famous wreck of them all; the mighty Thistlegorm

Known as the “wreck capital of the Caribbean” Grenada is recognised for its exceptional range of wrecks, and is renowned for one wreck in particular: The Bianca C - a 200m liner that sank in 1961.  With her deck sitting at 35m, the wreck supports a large amount of marine life and has numerous points of interest, including a swimming pool and the bridge. At the bow divers can see large pelagics including schools of barracuda and tuna, as well as passing eagle and manta rays.

The Veronica L, a highly photogenic wreck that makes a fantastic night dive, is festooned with colourful soft corals, sponges and marine life. The open hold, crane and surrounds of this 25m cargo ship are home to seahorses, moray eels, frogfish and octopus. 

Regaldive also offer trips to Coron in the Philippines where you can dive the Kyokuzan Maru. This huge Japanese freighter lies upright at 30m. She provides a beautiful dive with her vast holds containing military vehicles and providing shelter to batfishes, fusiliers and trevallies. From Palawan divers can also visit the Second World War wrecks of Coron Bay: some of the best preserved in the world. 

In the early 1960s, Jacques Cousteau placed Sudan firmly in the psyche of divers with his experiments in underwater living. The remains of the Conshelf II “village” provide a fascinating window into this unique chapter of diving history. Directly out of Port Sudan lies the Umbria. This Italian cargo ship was deliberately scuppered to avoid it falling into enemy hands.  The holds are easily penetrated and the cargo (ranging from ammunition and military vehicles, to wine) is still there to be explored. Fans of the Red Sea seeking a new challenge should ask Regaldive for details on a Sudan liveaboard.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of sitting on a boat knowing that you are about to dive one of the most famous wrecks sites in the world. Each site has its own unique beauty, is mostly intact, within reasonable diving depth and full of amazing artefacts. Happy diving, metalheads!

For help with planning your wreck diving adventure, call us on 01353 659 999 or send us an email